
Desde hace varios años (La primera manifestación en España data del 26 de junio de 1977),
cada 28 de junio (puede variar la fecha, según circunstancias), con gran repercusión en todos los medios de comunicación,
estamos asistiendo a una serie de actos organizados por la comunidad conocida
como LGTBIQ+ (lesbianas, gais, transexuales, bisexuales, intersex queer... y todo lo que vayan añadiendo. Actualmente suponen, en cifras
estimadas, el 6 % de la población europea), que han dado en llamar “Día
Internacional del Orgullo LGTBIQ+”. Por principios, y siempre que su
comportamiento no sea censurable, no tengo ninguna animadversión a las personas
que se encuadran en ese colectivo, ni
tampoco pretendo negar el derecho que les asiste para manifestarse públicamente
con objeto de reivindicar lo que, en razón y justicia, crean les pertenece. Otra
cosa bien distinta es estar de acuerdo, o no, en los modos y formas con las que
están llevando a cabo esas reivindicaciones, con manifestaciones que traspasan
los más generosos límites de la tolerancia, llegando incluso a situaciones que,
sin paliativos, merecen el calificativo de execrables, perdiendo, de ese modo, cualquier
razón que pudiera asistirles por lo impropio de esos comportamientos. Lo que a
continuación se relata no son más que
algunas reflexiones y consideraciones sobre este controvertido tema que está
generando pasiones contrapuestas. Por tal razón, mi postura a este respecto,
que tiene vocación de ser objetiva, sólo
pretende centrarse exclusivamente en hechos, huyendo, en la medida de lo
posible, de valoraciones personales.
Aunque es cierto que,
al día de hoy, la comunidad científica aún no ha alcanzado un consenso sobre
las causas que dan origen a la homosexualidad, también lo es el hecho de que
supone una aberración biológica que altera el orden natural del género humano
en el aspecto del desarrollo de su orientación sexual. Son diversas, y de corte
variado, las hipótesis que, en este aspecto, se barajan: desde propuestas
puramente biológicas, entre las que toma fuerza la que se asocia con un
fragmento del cromosoma X (marcador genético Xq28), hasta otras relacionadas
con efectos epigenéticos derivados de la hormona testosterona, pasando por
aquellas que la atribuyen exclusivamente a factores relacionados con vivencias
personales y el contexto social donde se desarrolle el individuo. Lo que sí
parece claro es que la sexualidad, en sentido amplio, por ser un fenómeno muy
complejo, no dependa de un solo factor, sino de una combinación de varios, lo
que supone, si cabe, un plus de dificultad añadido en la labor de tratar de
buscar su identificación. Lo que ya está casi prácticamente descartado, al menos en el
mundo occidental, es que la homosexualidad sea una enfermedad o un trastorno
psicológico, como durante mucho tiempo había sido entendida.
Dicho lo anterior, surge
la primera pregunta: ¿De qué hay que tener orgullo por ser gay? Si admitimos, como
está generalmente reconocido, que el homosexual no se hace, sino que se nace de
esa forma, y, además, no tiene posibilidades de cambiar, no parece que, desde
el estricto plano de la razón, haya causa que justifique ese hecho. Sería lo
mismo que un individuo que naciese zurdo sintiera orgullo por no haber nacido
diestro, aun siendo esta última habilidad la más extendida. Ser diferente,
cuando no se tiene opción al cambio, no puede ser, en ningún caso, motivo de
orgullo, ni tampoco puede considerarse como algo que sea causa de oprobio.

En cuanto a la segunda
cuestión: ¿Por qué el orgullo? La comunidad homosexual trata de justificar el
orgullo en el hecho de que durante siglos ha
sido reprimida y maltratada por la sociedad en general, que había venido
considerando este asunto como algo vergonzoso que debía ser ocultado, y que, en
los últimos años, con su lucha, están consiguiendo invertir posturas y
opiniones en el camino de ir ganando, paulatinamente, terreno hacia su total integración como ciudadanos de pleno
derecho, pudiendo, de ese modo, alzar su voz para exigir respeto e igualdad; aunque esto
último, lo de la igualdad, no lo entienda muy bien, pues se me ocurre
preguntar: ¿Será que no quieren verse homosexuales o nos quieren
homosexualizar? Bromas aparte, la realidad es que, aunque la homosexualidad aún
está siendo perseguida en muchos países, fundamentalmente aquellos en los
que está establecida como religión oficial el Islán, es en España donde han alcanzado el mayor
nivel de tolerancia del mundo, a pesar de que ya existen 23 países en los que
han conseguido alcanzar metas realmente altas, hasta el extremo de legalizar el
matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo, e incluso el establecimiento de
familias homoparentales (adopción de hijos por homosexuales), asuntos con los que, personalmente, estoy en total y frontal desacuerdo. Se puede aceptar, sin demasiadas reservas, que
dos personas del mismo sexo puedan convivir como una pareja de hecho, teniendo
derechos civiles similares a los matrimonios tradicionales entre personas de
distinto sexo; pero, desde un razonamiento elemental, llamar a esas uniones “matrimonios”
me parece una parodia de mal gusto, un exceso, una auténtica aberración, por la
sencilla razón de transgredir el orden natural de las cosas. Que los homosexuales sientan complacencia por
los hitos que están consiguiendo me parece humanamente razonable, pero llamar a
eso orgullo me parece algo fuera de contexto. Con humildad, sentido común y,
sobre todo, con prudencia, con mucha
prudencia, es posible que puedan avanzar en la consecución de sus objetivos. El
orgullo, sobre todo cuando se exacerba, como ocurre en este caso, puede ser
causa de rechazo mayoritario y, como añadido, una barrera que obstaculice sus pretensiones.

Si la comunidad LGTBI quiere llamar la atención para reivindicar supuestos derechos, haciendo masivas
manifestaciones públicas, principalmente en el día que han elegido como “Día
Internacional del Orgullo LGTBI" (fiesta que tiene su origen en los disturbios de
Stonnewall, acaecidos el 28 de junio de 1969, en Nueva
York, Estados Unidos, que marcaron el inicio del movimiento de liberación
homosexual, y que consistieron en una serie de manifestaciones espontáneas y violentas
en protesta contra una redada policial que tuvo lugar en la madrugada del
citado día en el pub conocido como Stonewall Inn), aunque ya lo han convertido en
una semana, con el objeto de que todos
los medios de comunicación se hagan eco de su causa, abriendo telediarios y
ocupando primeras páginas en los periódicos, deberían de tener especial cuidado
y preocuparse por la imagen que transmiten. Las obscenidades de que hacen gala
en sus desfiles, catervas que protagonizan espectáculos cargados de escenas grotescas
e hirientes para la sensibilidad de muchas personas, atentando de forma
flagrante contra los principios y dogmas cristianos, particularmente los
católicos (jamás contra el Islán, curiosamente), no dan precisamente ejemplo
del respeto que piden a los demás, ni pueden crear un estado de opinión
favorable en aquellos países, mayoría por cierto, en los que aún siguen siendo fuertemente rechazados. Por si esto fuera poco, y para más inri, habría que añadir el incondicional
apoyo que reciben de muchas instituciones públicas españolas, principalmente corporaciones
municipales, que están contribuyendo al “esplendor” de ese “Día del Orgullo”
exhibiendo las banderas multicolor que identifican a los gais en los edificios
oficiales, e incluso pintando mobiliario urbano con sus colores. Toda una serie de
despropósitos, costeados con el dinero del contribuyente, motivados con el
único objetivo de ganarse el favor del colectivo homosexual y pescar votos en
el seno de sus organizaciones. Intolerable e ignominioso para las personas, la
mayoría, que no comulgamos con el fondo y forma con el que se manifiesta el
LGTBIQ+. Visto lo cual, y aunque no he tenido ni tengo ningún tipo de fobia hacia
los homosexuales, empiezo a considerar que, si esta es la respuesta a la compresión,
tolerancia y respeto que la sociedad les ha otorgado, será mejor hacer un
ejercicio de apocatástasis devolviéndolos al armario de donde han salido, al
menos para aquellos que, confundiendo la libertad con el libertinaje, lideran estos impúdicos actos públicos con tamaña
Según manifiesta la
comunidad gay, que dice estar preocupada por la expansión de la homofobia en el
mundo, la homosexualidad no es un problema, pero la homofobia sí: es
discriminación. Se puede estar de acuerdo con lo primero, pero hay que poner
matices a lo segundo: En todos lo ordenes de la vida se pueden tener
partidarios y detractores, creo que esto, además de entendible, es normal e
indiscutible. Es obvio que los sentimientos de simpatía o rechazo hacia los
demás no son algo preconcebido, prejuicios que nacen con el individuo, ni se
producen de manera espontánea en alguna etapa concreta de la vida. Se crean y
se fortalecen a lo largo de nuestra existencia al tiempo que se va formando
nuestro particular carácter y establecemos los criterios con los que analizamos
y juzgamos lo que vemos y la información que recibimos. Las filias y las
fobias, por tanto, cuando se trata de personas, tienen mucho que ver con su
forma de conducirse, o sea, con su comportamiento y la imagen que nos
trasmiten. Por esa razón, cuando un homosexual habla de homofobia, antes de
hacer esa categórica aseveración tendría que analizar de qué parte de esa
homofobia es culpable.
En resumen, y siempre
bajo mi particular punto de vista, creo que el asunto que concierne a todo lo
que rodea a la homosexualidad, tanto en España como en otros países donde se
les está dando un trato de favor excesivamente tolerante, con concesiones que
jamás se debían de haber otorgado, y por falta de sentido común de los propios
beneficiarios que no han sabido valorar ni asimilar, en su justa medida y con
la moderación que cabría esperar, todo lo que se les ha concedido, se está
produciendo un auténtico desmadre que, a pesar de lo indeseable de la
situación, no será fácil de frenar y cada vez más difícil de reconducir. A la
larga, y a pesar de todo, los más perjudicados serán los propios movimientos
gais que, no haciéndose merecedores de la confianza de la que han sido
depositarios, irán perdiendo cada vez más apoyos allí donde los hayan tenido al
tiempo que cargarán de argumentos a sus detractores para
seguir siendo perseguidos en todos los países donde actualmente no son
tolerados. A este respecto, cabe
recordar que, a pesar de los avances que han conseguido en estas últimas
décadas, todavía hay 72 estados en los que se criminalizan las relaciones
sexuales entre personas del mismo sexo. Los castigos que se aplican por
manifestaciones homosexuales van desde recibir latigazos o lapidaciones en
plazas públicas, hasta condenas de varios años de cárcel, llegando, en casos
extremos, a la aplicación de la pena capital. Entre los países en los que
actualmente la homosexualidad está penada con la muerte se encuentran Irán, Sudán, Yemen, Afganistán, Pakistán,
Arabia Saudí, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Catar y Mauritania. Por elementales
principios, a estas alturas, en un mundo supuestamente civilizado, no se pueden
justificar ni aceptar medidas tan drásticas contra personas que han nacido y
viven con una orientación sexual en disonancia con las leyes naturales de la
especie, que, además, ni la han podido elegir ni la pueden cambiar. Sin duda que
tenemos que estar en contra de ello y, por ende, manifestarlo con toda claridad; pero, al
mismo tiempo, también tenemos que exigirles conductas más prudentes, con más
moderación y recato. Seguro que ello redundaría en beneficio de todos, del
colectivo homosexual primordialmente. Recurriendo a la desvergüenza, la desfachatez
y la chabacanería, no se harán respetar más, ni tampoco les conducirá a ninguna
Este es el orgullo Gay: Obscenidad y denigración del ser.
Cada año, este tipo de movimienmtos, con la tolerancia de las autoridades, se muestra más transgresor, llegando a situaciones tan obscenas, como intolerables. A modo de ejemplo, a continuación se incluye un enlace a un vídeo en el que se pide el aborto libre y gratuito (Procesión en el barrio de Lavapiés - Madrid 13 de abril de 2014)
Cabe advertir, que las escenas que se visualizan en el vídeo, cuyo enlace directo incluyo a continuación, pueden herir la sensibilidad de algunas personas; aún así, creo oportuno incorporarlo en esta sección como muestra del grado de indecencia en el que ha caído este colectivo, inmerso en una línea de decadencia de la que aún no se puede atisbar el límite.
Por su interés sobre el tema tratado en este artículo, incorporo un vídeo de Cesar Vidal: ¿Qué esconde la ideología de género?
Oviedo, 07 de julio de 2019 (Revisado y actualizado con fecha 12 de julio de 2022)
C. Díaz Fdez.
Aunque he leído mucho sobre el tema de la homosexualidad, me ha llamado particularmente la atención una carta escrita por un presbítero en la que, utilizando un nombre supuesto de un homosexual fallecido, enfoca la causa y la cura de este "problema" desde un punto de vista estrictamente religioso que creo interesante incluir como anexo a este artículo. He de confesar que, aunque cada vez tengo más dudas sobre la existencia de Dios y la certeza de que, desde una supuesta existencia, no interviene en nuestra vida ni en nuestro mundo, siempre he respetado, y respeto, toda opinión sobre este delicado asunto, sea compartida, o no, con la mía. En cualquier caso, tanto en este tema, como en otros en los que puedan caber interpretaciones religiosas, yo siempre optaré por la vía que emana de las investigaciones científicas y técnicas.
< < < < < < < < < < > > > > > > > > > > >

For several years ago (The first demonstration in Spain dates back to June 26, 1977),
every June 28 (may vary the day, depending on circumstances), with great impact on all media of comunication, we are attending
a series of events organized by the
community known as LGTBIQ+ (lesbians, gays, transsexuals bisexuals. intersex queer... and everything they want to add.- Currently, in
estimated figures, are about 6% of the European population), which have been
called "International LGTBIQ+ Pride Day". By principles, and as long as
their behavior is not reprehensible, I do not have any animosity to the people
who are within that group, nor do I intend to deny their right to publicly
demonstrate in order to claim what, in reason and justice, they believe it
belongs to them. Another thing very different is to agree, or not, in the ways
and forms with which they are carrying out these claims, with manifestations
that go beyond the most generous limits of tolerance, even reaching situations
that, without palliative, deserve the qualifier of execrable, losing, in that
way, any reason that could assist them for the impropriety of those behaviors. What
follows is nothing more than some reflections and considerations about this
controversial issue that is generating diametrically opposed passions. For this
reason, my position in this regard, which has only vocation to be objective,
solely intends to focus exclusively on facts, fleeing, as far as possible,
personal valuations.
Although it is true
that, to this day, the scientific community has not yet reached a consensus on
the causes that give rise to homosexuality, so is the fact that it supposes a
biological aberration that alters the natural order of the human race in the
aspect of the development of their sexual orientation. They are diverse, and of
varied cut, the hypotheses that, in this aspect, are shuffled: from purely
biological proposals, between which takes hold with more force that what is
associated with a fragment of the X chromosome (genetic marker Xq28), until
others related to epigenetic effects
derivatives of the hormone testosterone, going by those who attribute it
exclusively to factors related to personal experiences and the social context
where the individual develops. What does seem clear is that sexuality, in a
broad sense, for being a very complex phenomenon, does not depend on a single
factor, but on a combination of several, which supposes, if it were not enough,
a plus of added difficulty in the work of trying to look for your
identification. What is almost practically ruled out, al least in the Western
world, is that homosexuality be a disease or a psychological disorder, as it
had long been understood.
Having said that, the
first question arises: What should we be proud of being gay? If we admit, as is
generally recognized, that the homosexual is not made, but is born in that way,
and also has no possibility of changing, it does not seem that, from the strict
plane of reason, there is cause to justify this fact. It would be the same
thing for an individual who was born a left-hander to feel proud of not being
born right-handed, even though this last skill is the most widespread. To be
different, when there is no option to change, can not be, in any case, cause
for pride, nor can it be considered as something that is a cause of reproach.

Regarding the second
question: Why pride? The homosexual community tries to justify pride in the
fact that for centuries it has been repressed and mistreated by society in
general, which had been considering this issue as something shameful that
should be hidden, and that, in recent years, with its struggle, they are
getting to invest positions and opinions in the way of gaining more and more
ground towards their total integration as full citizens, being able to raise
their voice to demand respect and equality. Although the latter, the equality
issue, I do not understand it very well, because it occurs to me to ask: Could
it be that they do not want to be homosexual or want to homosexualize us? Jokes
aside, the reality is that, although homosexuality is still being persecuted in
many countries, mainly in those where the official religion is the Islan, it is
in Spain where they have reached the highest level of tolerance in the world,
despite the fact that there are already 23 countries in which they have
achieved really high goals, to the extent of legalizing same-sex marriage and
even the establishment of homoparental families (adoption of children by
homosexuals), matters with which, personally, I am in total and frontal
disagreement. It can be accepted that two people of the same sex can live
together as a couple, having civil rights similar to traditional marriages
between people of different sexes; but, from an elementary reasoning, to call
those unions "marriages" seems to me a parody of bad taste, an
excess, an authentic aberration, for the simple reason of transgressing the
natural order of things. That homosexuals feel complacent about the milestones
they are achieving seems humanly reasonable, but to call that pride seems to me
something out of context. With humility, common sense and, above all, with
prudence, with great prudence, it is possible that they can advance in the
achievement of their objectives. Pride, especially when it is exacerbated, as
in this case, can be a cause for rejection.

If the LGTBIQ+ community
wants to call attention to claim alleged rights, making mass public
demonstrations, mainly on the day they have chosen as "International Day
of LGTBIQ+ Pride "(Party that has its origin in the Stonnewall riots, occurred on
June 28, 1969, in New York, United States, which marked the beginning of the
homosexual liberation movement, what consisted of a series of spontaneous and
violent demonstrations in protest against a police raid that took place in the
early hours of the aforementioned day in the pub known as Stonewall Inn),
although they have already converted it into a week, with the aim of having all
the media echo their cause, opening television news and occupying front pages
in the newspapers, they should take special care and worry about the image they
convey. The obscenities that they show in their parades, masses that star in
shows full of grotesque and hurtful scenes for the sensibility of many people,
flagrantly attacking Christian principles and dogmas, particularly Catholics
(never against Islan, curiously), they do not give an exact example of the
respect they ask of others, nor can they create a favorable state of opinion in
those countries, a large majority, in those that are still rejected. As if this
were not enough, and to make matters worse, we should add the unconditional
support they receive from many Spanish public institutions, mainly municipal
corporations, which are contributing to the "splendor" of that
"Pride Day" by displaying the multicolored flags that identify gays
in official buildings, and even painting street furniture in de same color. A
whole series of nonsense, paid for with the taxpayer's money, motivated with
the sole objective of winning the favor of the homosexual collective and
fishing votes within their organizations. Intolerable and ignominious for
people, the majority, who do not agree with the background and form with which
the LGTBIQ+ manifests itself. Seen which, and although I have not had or have any
kind of phobia towards homosexuals, I begin to consider that, if this is the
answer to the compression, tolerance and respect that society has given them,
it will be better to do an exercise of apocatastasis returning them to the closet
where they have come from, at least for those who lead these impudent public
acts with such blatant insolence.
According to the gay
community, which says it is concerned about the expansion of homophobia in the
world, homosexuality is not a problem, but homophobia yes: it is
discrimination. You can agree with the first, but you have to put nuances to
the second: In all the orders of life you can have supporters and detractors, I
think this, as well as understandable, is normal and indisputable. It is
obvious that the feelings of sympathy or rejection towards others are not
something preconceived, prejudices that are born with the individual, nor occur
spontaneously at any particular stage of life. They are created and
strengthened throughout our existence while our particular character is being
formed and we establish the criteria with which we analyze and judge what we
see and the information we receive. Filias and phobias, therefore, when it
comes to people, have a lot to do with the way they behave, that is, with their
behavior and the image they transmit to us. For that reason, when a homosexual
speaks of homophobia, before making that categorical assertion he would have to
analyze which part of that homophobia is hinself guilty.

In summary, and always
under my particular point of view, I believe that the issue that concerns
everything that surrounds homosexuality, both in Spain and in other countries
where they are being treated with an excessively tolerant favor, with
concessions that they should never have been produced, and for lack of common
sense of the beneficiaries themselves who have not known how to value or
assimilate, in their just measure and with the moderation that would be
expected, everything that has been granted, is producing an authentic desmadre
that, in spite of the undesirable situation, it will not be easy to stop and
increasingly difficult to redirect. In the long run, and in spite of
everything, the most prejudiced will be the gay movements themselves, which,
not becoming worthy of the trust they have been depositaries of, will
increasingly lose support wherever they have had them while they load with
arguments to others for to continue to be persecuted in all countries where
they are currently not tolerated. In this regard, it should be remembered that,
despite the progress made in recent decades, there are still 72 states in which
sexual relations between people of the same sex are criminalized. The
punishments that are applied for homosexual manifestations go from receiving
lashes or stoning in public squares, to sentences of several years of prison,
reaching, in extreme cases, the application of capital punishment. Among the
countries where homosexuality is currently punishable by death are Iran, Sudan,
Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and
Mauritania. By elementary principles, at this point, in a supposedly civilized
world, can not justify or accept such drastic measures against people who have
been born and live with a sexual orientation in dissonance with the natural
laws of the species, which, moreover, they have not had the opportunity to
choose, nor can they to change. No doubt we have to be against it and manifest
it clearly; but, at the same time, we also have to demand more prudent
behavior, with more tact and moderation. Surely this would benefit everyone,
primarily the homosexual group. Resorting to shamelessness, brazenness and
vulgarity will not be respected anymore, nor will it lead you anywhere.
Every year, this type of movement, with the tolerance of the authorities, is more transgressive, reaching situations as obscene as intolerable. As an example, below is a link to a video calling for a free abortion (Procession in the Lavapies neighborhood - Madrid, April 13, 2014)
It should be noted that the scenes displayed in these two publications can hurt the sensitivity of some people; even so, I think it is appropriate to include them as a sign of the degree of indecency in which this group has fallen in a line of decline from which the limit cannot yet be seen.
Oviedo, July 07, 2019 (Revised and updated on july 12, 2022)
C. Díaz Fdez.
Although I have read a lot on the subject of homosexuality, I have been particularly impressed by a letter written by a priest in which, using an assumed name of a deceased homosexual, focuses the cause and cure of this "problem" from viewpoint strictly religious that I think interesting to include as an annex to this article. I must confess that, although I have more and more doubts about the existence of God and the certainty that, from a supposed existence, does not intervene in our life nor in our world, I have always respected, and respect, any opinion on this delicate matter, be shared, or not, with mine. In any case, both in this issue and in others in which religious interpretations may fit, I will always opt for the path that emanates from scientific and technical investigations.
Anexo: Lo que se cita / Annex: What is cited
Homosexuality: Its
cause and cure
The woman on the phone pleaded with me to do
her brother’s funeral, “Pastor Brown, even though my brother Juan* did not live
in El Paso, he loved your ministry. He listened to your tapes, read your books,
and absolutely loved the way you preached the Word. He knew his funeral was
going to be in El Paso, so before he died, he told me that he did not want
anyone but you, Pastor Brown, to perform the funeral. So please, could you do
it?” Her pleadings touched my heart, so I agreed.
At the funeral I gave my usual sermon on
heaven, and afterward, opened up the podium for the family and friends to share
their memories of the deceased. A very thin, frail looking man, about the age
of Juan, came forward to share. He mentioned that Juan always preached about
Jesus and the need to be born again. At first, he did not want to get saved,
but through Juan's constant encouragement eventually he gave his heart to
Christ. Then the man shocked me. He mentioned that he and Juan were partners
and had lived together in the same house for twenty years.
My eyebrows lifted. As I panned the room, I had
noticed several men about Juan’s age by themselves, and as different people
came forward, there was no mentioned of Juan’s orientation, only how much Juan
loved the Lord, but it was clear that Juan was also gay.
I bring this story up because this article is
written for the Juans of
the church. It is my goal in this article to reach out to you who may be
struggling with gay feelings and perhaps has even acted on them, yet you are
not looking to justify the sin or to be gullible by allowing gay activists to
rewrite the Bible to rationalize the behavior. You already know the Bible
disapproves of this lifestyle, yet, despite your desire to change, you can’t
seem to transform yourself to the holy standard of the Bible.
This article will help you to understand how
you got to where you are, and thus, how you can rid yourself of those feelings.
I have ministered to people who are hurting, just like you; they want to be
more like Jesus, but struggle to overcome. Listen, I know your pain and let me
offer a helping hand. Let me show you how you can find total freedom in Christ.
homosexuals born or made?
This is an old argument. If homosexuals are
born that way, then there is no way for them to change. It would be like asking
someone born left-handed to try to use their right hand in writing. It is just
the way a person is born. He can’t help it.
The gay militants are trying to persuade
society that homosexuals are born that way, and so to expect change is
unreasonable, and quite impossible. So they have searched and searched to try
to find a gay gene, but to no avail. I can assure them that they will never
find one, because if there was one, then homosexuality would be decreasing,
because homosexuals would not procreate as often as heterosexuals, and thus,
would not be passing down the gene.
However, it seems that homosexuality is on the
rise, not declining. Of course, since society has not been keeping tabs on the
percentage of homosexuals until recently, we have no way of knowing for sure. I
think there is evidence that it is increasing due to the fact that there is a
growing group of people calling for gay rights. Society usually responds only
when a group is growing, not declining; so for gay rights to be emerging in
many nations it is likely that the numbers of homosexuals is also growing. This
of course does not bode well for those claiming that homosexuality is something
one is born with, if so, why the apparent increase?
All the evidence I have seen shows that
homosexuality is actually an emotional, psychological disorder brought on early
in childhood. I do not believe people chose those feelings, because who in
their right mind would choose it, and thus be scorned by society. I do not
believe homosexuals initially choose their orientation, anymore than a
heterosexual chooses it.
An exception to this is people who practice
homosexuality out of convenience. These would include prisoners, students in
“women only” and “men only” schools, and men who find far more men willing to
have sex than women. A member confided in me and told me how he has engaged in
several homosexual encounters, yet, he prefers women. So I asked him why he
does it. He simply said, “It’s easier to find men willing to do it than women.”
He went onto explain that there are many men who are heterosexual that
frequents gay places, because they know they will get sex.
So I am very much aware of those who practice
homosexuality out of choice, but I am writing to those who “feel” the desire to
be with people of the same gender. If it was their choice, they would choose
normal heterosexual feelings.
I’m totally heterosexual, and I have been one
since I could remember. By early adolescence girls were always attractive to
me, and to think of guys in a sexual way seems quite disgusting to me. However,
I never chose those feelings. They were simply a typical psychological response
to a normal childhood.
Yet, not everyone has had a normal, healthy
childhood. When dramatic events happen to children, it can affect their
psyches. Who will admit that certain vivid experiences have affected them
to this day?
I remember going trick-or-treating at Halloween
one night. My sister and best friend went to a house that had the back porch
light on, so we assumed that the back door was open for trick-or-treaters. I
will never forget this moment, but when we opened the gate to knock on the
door; these ferocious dogs came out of nowhere and began barking. Quickly we
leaped over the fence to avoid them, but my best friend did not make it. One of
the dogs took a huge chuck out his calf. He started screaming as we ran toward
the street. There I saw blood gushing from this leg. He had to have over a
hundred stitches.
This event haunted me for years. I struggled
with the fear of dogs for quite some time. Eventually I won the battle, but
even to this day, there is a tinge of apprehension when I hear a big, dog bark.
I bring this story up to show how extraordinary
events can scar us psychologically, and I’m sure you are thinking of some areas
in your life that to this day still affects you. This is true concerning
Same gender feelings are a psychological
illness caused by three powerful and tragic events in a child’s life. Someone
may be offended that I would use the term “illness” to describe homosexuality,
but this term is meant to show the “helpless” of the injured party, not to
stigmatize him. If someone is sick, we do not blame him, but rather, we look to
find out the cause of the sickness so we could apply the cure. Now, if someone
denies being sick—such as alcoholics—then there is little anyone can do to help
him. I think the beginning step for homosexuals is to admit their illness,
not to cover it up, pretend they are not sick and, worse, flaunt their
The American Psychiatric Association once
considered homosexuality a mental disorder until 1973, but changed their view
after being pressured by gay lobbyists; they claim to have come to their
conclusion by consulting with professionals and experts in the field but it is
clear that some of the “experts” were no doubt practicing homosexuals that
convinced the APA (Américan Psychological Association) to remove
homosexuality from the list of mental disorders. The association has done a
disservice to this hurting community. As a result of their desire to be
politically correct, they now have been partially responsible for the outbreak
of diseases, like AIDS (a disease in which there is a severe loss of the body's
cellular immunity, greatly lowering the resistance to infection and malignancy),
that have taken the lives of so many capable, young people.
The causes of homosexuality have not been a
mystery. The three unfortunate, major events in a child’s life that can cause
homosexual orientation are:
1).- Sexually abused by an older person of the
same gender.
Let’s face an obvious fact: The most child
molesters were themselves victims of child molestation. When a child is
molested by an adult figure, it can greatly injure the psyche. Many who are
molested never become molesters, but often, they find a strange attraction to
older people of the same gender. This tragic event often causes some distortion
in a person’s mind. They begin to associate sexual behavior with their
experience, instead of realizing the truth that they would not have been
attracted by the same gender if they had not been victims of sexual abuse.
2).- Neglected by the parent of the same
We often hear stories of male homosexuals who
are attracted to older male homosexuals, and it is no coincidence that they are
longing for the love of their fathers. Everyone needs to know they are loved by
their parents. For example, a girl who does not feel loved by her father will
often be attracted to father figures. It will also happen with sons, who need
the love of their fathers. If they do not feel it, they will sometimes turn to
older male figures. They simply want genuine love, but often instead of
experiencing healthy love, they will encounter sexual love, and so they will
begin to associate sexual love for genuine love. It is not real, but that is
all the love they know.
3).- Feeling out of place with peers of the
same gender.
It is essential that every child feels accepted
by the same gender. If a boy grows up but feels out of place with his peers, he
will find himself becoming nervous around the boys. He will interpret those
feelings of anxiety as sensual, because the feelings of first time sex are
associated with tension. Well, a boy who does not fit in with the boys, will
feel that same nervousness around them, and will associate those same feelings
with sex.
If you are struggling with same sex feelings,
be honest with your life: one of these tragic events, or something similar, has
caused these feelings in your soul—maybe even more than one of these incidents.
Don’t discount the cause of your homosexual feelings. To do so will only
postpone or completely cancel the healing you need.
It is important to understand the “cause” of
your gay feelings, because by discovering the truth, and opening yourself to
the truth, you can experience the healing that Christ could give. Jesus works
with truth, but to deny the truth or discount the importance of the truth will
keep the Lord from healing you.
People that want to hide the real cause are
actually giving power to the perpetrators. To accept their gay feelings, only
gives power to those who hurt them.
On the other hand, to receive healing will give
themselves power over those who hurt them. There is a great feeling of strength
when one overcomes any psychological weakness caused by others. There is no
authority in one’s life if he succumbs to the emotional pains brought on by the
bad behavior of others. In other words, a homosexual who works at overcoming
his same-gender feelings is actually working against those who have wounded
him. That is power!
at this point may say, “Well, even if the causes you mentioned are true, the
psyche is so damaged that it is pointless to encourage the change. The person
will only be disappointed when he doesn’t change, and he will feel more
Ah, so
the argument is to let a person remain psychologically ill. I don’t see how
that is real love. Love looks to heal. My ministry is built on healing the
whole man, and I am sure the Lord can heal the psyche of homosexuals. People
will challenge me to leave the homosexuals alone and let them be—but I can’t
let people remain sick, if I know the cure.
The real trouble with those in the medical
field is doubt. They do not believe in the supernatural power of God. They are
left with their own abilities, and they find that they are not capable to bring
change to the homosexual. What I find troubling with the professionals is their
criticism toward the healing ministry of the church. They criticize the church
for believing in the divine power of God to heal and change.
If these so called experts were in Palestine
during the early church period, they would have censured Paul when he wrote: “Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters
nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor
the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom
of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were
sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the
Spirit of our God” (1 Cor 6:9-11).
Notice Paul said that some of the converts were
once “homosexual offenders.”
Then he said, “That is what some of
you were.” They had changed. They were not homosexuals anymore; God had
touched them, and His touch healed them. Paul mentions three things that made
the transformation!
1).-They were washed.
We were all dirty in some way when we came to
Christ. No one is without sin. We all needed cleansing from our filth, whether
we were adulterers, thieves or homosexuals. The washing comes through two ways:
the new birth and the washing of water of the Word.
Something miraculous takes place when we are
born again. Human words cannot explain all that happens. I have heard numerous
testimonies from people who struggled with homosexual feelings, who were
miraculously changed when they got saved. Let’s face the fact: without the new
birth, the homosexual will unlikely change. They must be born again. God
cleanses the sinner of his filth and makes him new.
Concerning the new birth, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the
kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit” (John 3:5).
There are two aspect of the new birth: first, the invisible power of the
Spirit, second, the visible water of baptism. When a person sincerely calls on
the Lord for salvation, the Spirit performs a numinous work in the heart of the
individual. The person must also get baptized in water.
At this point, someone might say, “But Pastor,
I still have those homosexual tendencies, so how can I be baptized unless God
changes me? I will feel like a hypocrite if I get baptized.”
The point Paul brings out is that a person was
changed by being “washed.” It is through the baptism itself that God can
perform a special work. The work is cleansing. Let the Lord cleanse you from
your sins. A person who waits to be baptized after he feels clean has it in
reverse. You don’t wait until you feel clean to take a bath; you take a bath to
become clean. The same is true of baptism, you do not wait to feel clean and
totally changed to get baptized; you let the water baptism cleanse you. God
will use that simple act of baptism to bring a miraculous change in you.
You might say, “You mean pastor, if someone
came to you who still struggled with homosexual feelings, you would still
baptize him?” Of course I would, that is what salvation is about. I don’t wait
for someone to first change before bringing them to Christ; I bring them to
Christ so He can change them.
The other way we get cleansed is through the Word
of God. Jesus said, “You are already
clean because of the word I have spoken to you” (John 15:3). The Word of
God is all powerful. Man’s words have limited power, they can’t accomplish the
impossible, but God can. When he speaks into the soul of man, a miracle takes
place. As the homosexual takes into his heart the message of Christ, a
phenomenon occurs, he finds that he is pruned like a bush. The pruning may hurt
at first, but then he finds that he becomes more fruitful for Christ. This
process is gradual as the next point brings out.
2).- They were sanctified.
The word sanctified means to be separate from
the world in order to be brought near to Christ. This is an ongoing process.
None of us can say after we were born again that we are completely the way we
should be. We are changing to be more like the Lord, but none of us have
Do not be discouraged if you do not find an
immediate, total change when you become born again. But as you allow the Word,
the Spirit, the blood, and the ordinances and sacraments of the Church to work
in you, you will find the influence of the world will have less power over your
life. It won’t happen if you stay away from the church.
Homosexuals, because of the deepness of their
hurt, may need to be healed of their past. If that is you, you need to open
yourself to someone skilled and knowledgeable in the Word. Confess your
weakness. Tell your struggle to them. You will be able to receive deep,
personal ministry by a loving minister who will show you supernaturally how the
abuse, neglect, or rejection brought you the same-sex feelings you have, and
through forgiveness and through forgiving others—the abuser, the neglected
father, or teasing peers—you can release the pain. There is no healing without
forgiving those who wronged you.
It may be the hardest thing to do, but you must
forgive the man who abused you as a child. The man might be a relative or even
a religious leader, but you must release the person and totally forgive him. As
you forgive that person, you release yourself from the power they have had over
your life.
You may need to forgive a negligent father. He
may have abandoned you. He may not have been there when you needed him, but you
must still forgive. Without forgiveness you put yourself in a prison, and that
prison may be homosexual feelings.
The boys at school who teased you, who called
you a queer, yes, you must
forgive them too. The girls that called you a tomboy, yes, you must forgive them too. I know it’s hard, but
you are only allowing them to have power over your life if you do not forgive.
As you forgive, you may experience a battle.
This battle is a sign that demons took advantage of you when you were young and
came to oppress your life. As you forgive, you will find yourself being
released from the demons. They will come out of you.
3).- They were justified.
The word justified means to be totally forgiven
and made right with God as though you had never sinned. Often, someone
struggling with deep-embedded sins will find difficulty receiving forgiveness.
But you must!
Don’t allow any disorder to convince you that
God has not forgiven you. For sure, do not practice the gay lifestyle, for that
will only hamper your complete sanctification and healing, and worse, bring
needless judgment on you.
Paul mentions this judgment in 1 Corinthians 11:29-30,
“For anyone who eats and drinks
without recognizing the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgment on himself.
That is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen
asleep.” I am convinced that many believers that have rebelled against
the work of sanctification have brought judgment on themselves. Paul describes
this judgment as sickness and premature death.
Many homosexual Christians have become ill, and a
number have died early, because they refused to judge themselves. This act of
judgment was so they could be saved. Paul goes on to write, “When we are judged by the Lord, we are being
disciplined so that we will not be condemned with the world” (1 Cor
11:32). So even though we may regret seeing a beloved believer die early, it
was for his good, so he would not be condemned with the world.
This act is a sign of love. Despite the actions, God
loves the person so much He will do anything to make sure they will never be
separated from Him for all of eternity.
God forgives you even though you have failed him. If
you believe the lie that God has stopped loving you because you have failed
him, then the devil will take advantage of you and bring you back into the
sinful lifestyle. Believe in God’s love for you! That love is a transforming
The Need for
Ultimately what every person needs, including the
homosexual, in order to change is love. The cure for homosexuality is rather
simple—it is love—genuine love.
Jesus healed Mary Magdalene, a known prostitute, by
showing His genuine love. He forgave her before she showed any proof of
repentance. She was changed and transformed by the love of Christ. She
immediately lost any desire to sleep with men when she experienced the
unadulterated love of God.
Every homosexual needs to experience the real,
unconditional love of God. This is the beginning of healing. For some people,
this alone brings the cure. They lose the strong feelings of same-sex love.
Others may still struggle with it, but as they open themselves more to God’s
love, those feelings will dissipate.
Finally, you must fill the need for love with the
genuine love from brothers and sisters in the Lord. If you are looking for an
older male figure, look no further than your pastor. Let him mentor you. This
is what you want! You know it is what you need!
Will those feelings leave? Yes, but for some people
not totally, at least not right away. Just like I still feel an initial
tinge of fear when a dog barks, you may still feel some hint of same gender
feelings, but they will not move you. You will start to also feel sexual
attraction for the opposite gender. Your feelings will begin to normalize so
you can walk with the Lord without hindrance.
For instance fear of dogs does not keep me from taking
a walk in my neighborhood. I hear the dogs barking, but the emotional scar is
healed. I am not crippled anymore by the incident of my childhood. The same
will be with you who have struggled with same gender feelings. Your scar will
be healed. You will not let the past cripple your walk with God. You will find
yourself rejoicing as you experience the liberty that Christ has given you.
The Word of God will cleanse your mind from any
negative and ungodly feelings. So it is essential to continue to abide in the
Word, and at times, you will have the Lord take a portion of His Word and heal
more remaining scars.
Remember, the route of holiness is a road. "And a highway will be there; it will
be called the Way of Holiness. The unclean will not journey on it; it will be
for those who walk in that Way; wicked fools will not go about on it" (Isa
35:8). Driving down a road is a process. Do not be discouraged that you have
not arrived yet.
Holiness is like driving on the highway. It is
dangerous, there is a risk, but the truly clean people will take that road. But
the wicked fools, those who pretend to be right, will not even try to walk on
this road. I encourage you walk the way of Holiness.
God promises "No lion will be there, nor will any ferocious beast get up on it;
they will not be found there. But only the redeemed will walk there" (v.
9). God will protect you from temptation. You will find the devil will not be
strong enough to drag you from the road. In the end, "They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting
joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and
sighing will flee away" (v. 10). You will rejoice in your
complete victory! Eventually, the harmful feelings of homosexuality will flee away.
* Juan was not his real name.