jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010


Human functional groups.

In the life journey that everyone follows, from birth to death, is passed through three large phases or stages. The first, characterized by learning and training, begins when we enter to the life, we learn to communicate with the others and take our first steps, and ends when we reach the minimum amount of knowledges and skills necessary to enter the world of work. The second, which is characterized by personal and professional development, and is, generally, the longest stage of our existence, begins at a time when we joined in a gainful activity (from the most humble offices, to the highest levels of the economy, politics, education, research, etc.), and ends when we come to a passive stand-by, what, in our society, is known as retirement. The third, and final, which begins with this one retirement, is characterized by peace and tranquility; you can enjoy what has been achieved in the previous stage, and, from here, we follow the course of events until such time that we are called to make the final journey of our earthly existence, facilitating, in this manner, the necessary space for new generations.

The first phase of our life, determines, in a decisive manner, the following two. Is, therefore, in which we must to put the utmost care and effort for to achieve the highest levels of education and training, so that we can move to second phase with the greatest possible potential for to reach high professional levels, and, as consequently, a good social position. Our future quality of life depends, in large middle, of all this. For that reason, every effort is made here, consistent with the achievement of these objectives, has a great value to be become potential profitable in the following stages. Conversely, all deficiencies with which this first stage had been completed, will be difficult to overcome in the second, and, in many cases, may establish barriers that the individual may not get over, generating one great frustration that will drag by the rest of his days.

The dynamics of our existence makes that the groups of individuals who belong to each of the phases, or stages, previously mentioned, have to be renewed, in chronological order, and continuously. According to this process, those that were not and now are, that is, those new born, begin to occupy the lower echelons of the group that forming the first stage, moving those that occupy the higher echelons of this to the second, and so, successively, how a wheel without end. In this process, when those that occupy the upper echelons of the second phase begin to occupy the lowest echelons to the third, provokes the movement, at the same time, and of inexorably way, of the highest echelons of this latter phase, causing that these pass to rest, eternally, out off the life, remaining, from that moment, framed in the imaginary group of those who were and now are not (intangible phase that only exists in the minds of the people who recall them).

Usually, in most families, are coexisting some persons occupying a place within the groups that make up each of the three stages mentioned above. Represent, in turn, and in this order, the future, the present and the past.

Dedicated to my granddaughters, Alicia e Irene, of twelve and nine years, respectively, with special dedication for the older girl, who begins her first year of secondary education in London, with my most fervent desire for that she can get the biggest hits in this new educational level, and can be used, for the two, as exercise and as matter to reflection.

Aveiro (Portugal). September 9, 2010
C. Díaz Fdez.

This first lesson was written prior to the creation of this blog. The incorporation of this lesson now, is because, for having been written and directed to Beings very dear to me, his drafting had caused me a deep emotion, and, since then, I recall it with contained nostalgia of those times, becoming part of my most cherished memories.

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