lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011


The role and the exercise of command

     Is attributed to the great philosopher and scientist of ancient Greece, Aristotle, whose ideas and sense of logic have exerted so much influence in the Western world, even to this day, the famous phrase that tell: “Is an indisputable principle that for know to command well, is necessary know to obey". Without take away any merit to this statement, nor deny its certainty, the fact is that, in our time, the reality is enough more  complex. The exercise of command, in addition to the philosophy included in this simple expression, requires a complex combination of attributes such as knowledges, attitudes, values and skills, that can be variables in specific contexts, which set the boundary between those people who may be suitable and those not. Although is necessary condition, is not sufficient that an individual be endowed with authority. If  has not the required knowledges and the minimum requirement to exercise of the command, in addition to lead him to your own personal failure, will disappoint the expectations of those who have chosen him, and, moreover, can damage to the organization in providing services.

     Is a common mistake in civil organizations  try reward  the people that doing their job well by means promoting to positions of greater responsibility, without detailed analysis for to check if they meet the conditions to be equally effective in his new assignment, until, in accordance with the principle of Peter (Laurence J. Peter, 1968) reach their level of incompetence. Consistent with this, some posts of responsibility, including senior management positions, are often occupied by professionals who are not the suitably qualified and do not have the features needed to develop their job well; circumstance that can lead to serious errors in decisions and generate much problems for the organization. On many occasions, the success of an organization depends, largely, of the success it have had on the election of your directors and persons who will occupy the various levels of command in the organizational system of society.

     In my personal experience, over several decades devoted to professional engineering, in various fields of activity, and several levels of responsibility, I have had the opportunity to see the poor performance of individuals who, for one reason or another , without meeting the minimum  requirements necessary, have been promoted to higher levels, without to be adequately qualified for it. This practice, that not uncommon by the way, leads simultaneously to two errors: it can loses a excellent subordinate and obtain a bad boss. The immediate consequence is a weakening of the organization, which is all the more remarkable the higher the hierarchical level where this event occurs.

     Generally, on any association of people governed by a set of rules to achieve certain purposes, exert the command is lead a group towards fixed objectives. To perform this function, effectively, are requires some basic requirements, among which the following stand out:

Adequate knowledges.- It is obvious that it will be difficult to make a good management if it lacks the minimum knowledge necessary, general and specific, required to perform the functions attributed to them. The training capacity, coupled with disquiet about acquiring new knowledge, will be the best guarantee for maintaining competition.

Leadership ability.- Without prejudice to their authority, the command should behave as a member of the team, moving to the same values and mission of the company. The organization of resources and planning work for the achievement of the objectives of the group will measure their leadership capacity, that will be critical for obtaining the final results.

Such is the influence of the leader in obtaining the results, that already the famous French diplomat, Charles de Talleyrand, who held important positions in the relevant political events in France from the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, wrote: “I have more afraid an army of 100 sheep led by a lion than an army of 100 lions led by a sheep.”  Lapidary phrase, perfectly applicable to this case, that do not need further comment.

Communication capacity.- Good communication must be fluid and transparent, while direct and respectful. Should encourage the dialogue and exchange of ideas and opinions among team members, as a means to get the most out of all its collaborators. The authoritarianism and despotism will cut the channels of communication, drastically reducing the real potential of the group.

Motivator.- The command has to be a reference for the team. Lead by example. Have empathy and build trust and security in their subordinates. Create and maintaining a good mood. Strengthen team morale and develop the potential of all those around him through the promotion and recognition.

Creative.- With entrepreneurship. Committed to innovation and development.

Integrator.- Encourage team spirit, getting maximum participation and collaboration of all its members by involving them in the common task, harmonizing and guiding the collective effort.

Receptive.- Know listen. Be always open to ideas and suggestions of others. Anyone, anytime, can provide a good idea.

Know to delegate.- Can not monopolize all the leading role; it is not appropriate nor operational. To make a real teamwork is necessary maximize the ability of all components of the working group, delegating tasks and responsibilities in a form timely and appropriate. Must be taken into account that the delegation of functions does not implies the delegation of responsibilities. The leader who does not delegate has not confidence in himself nor in his subordinates, and is doomed, inexorably, to failure.

Resolvent.- One of the main functions of command, within its area of responsibility, is to take decisions (always from personal safety, the balance and consideration in the trial), assuming the consequences arising therefrom. Any decision must respond to a need, and must be consistent and balanced; manifested in form concrete and concise: the solution should always be adjusted to the problem in its measure.

Based on the foregoing, and in summary, can conclude that a leader, for be  competent, must be, at all times, recognized and accepted by his subordinates. Must perform his duties with authority, but with diligence, moderation and respect (have to banish any hint of authoritarianism or despotism).The boss is not only for give orders, but to give instructions. Never give orders since the imposition, but from conviction. The boss that need to constantly reassert his authority is that has already lost it. Should be able to build trust and security between superiors and subordinates. Will have that know the faculty to delegate functions and conpetences in a balanced way, assuming, at the same time, implicit responsibilities arising (any funtion for that can to be exercised effectively, will need to have appropriate competences). Should encourage communication, generate enthusiasm, and stimulate the initiative (staying receptive to the opinions and suggestions of his collaborators, always recognizing their contributions). And finally, with all these ingredients, create team spirit and lead it to the achievement of the objectives of the organization.

     While it is true that of all the resources available in a company, the most important asset is its human capital, the fact real is that, in that whole group of people, the command structure, as true engine of society development, deserves special attention. The selection, formation and training of this command structure, who will mark the differences between other competitors, should always be among the main objectives of all societies that are committed with to seek competitiveness and reach business excellence.

C.Díaz Fdez.
Oviedo, 28 February 2011

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