jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010


Although the first living creature that looks like dog that is known about the land dates from the Oligocene (at the time that mammals were already established as dominant terrestrial life form), about 30 million years, most likely the first domestic dog has just over 12.000 years and is descended from canis lupus (wolf), product, in turn, of a long evolution of this kind. Since it is quite accepted that modern humans belong to the species Homo sapiens sapiens "and that the first members of this branch are dated between 40.000 and 50.000 years before our Era (after a period of evolution passed over 4 million years), it is obvious that the man took a very long time to enjoy the companionship of the dog. running, from here, linked to its history.

From the first moment when man discovered the potential abilities of this animal, and the utility could obtain them, made him an indispensable travel companion, with different kinds of luck, of course, for the dog.   The first to master the art of getting the maximum benefit to man the dog was the Egyptians, who began breeding these animals in a controlled, diversified its kind, and engaged in educational work to adapt them so that they could develop different types of tasks, within a continuous evolutionary process that has reached our day, even in Roman times were most shapes, sizes and characteristics of the dogs currently known.

Would be almost endless, and not the subject of this brief comment, cite the large number of breeds that currently exist (only the FCI - Federation Internationale Cynologique - recognizes approximately 700 different classes), or the myriad of services to over the years has given the dog to man, from a simple company to the most sophisticated and specialized work currently carried out police dogs, plus many others such as the farm, herding, hunting, guide, guard, defense, entertainment, and so on.  All this impressive and successful track record developed by these priceless animals has not always been sufficiently recognized or adequately appreciated by humans, having been subjected to numerous abuses, mistreatment, neglect and even torture. Miserable reward received from those who recognize themselves as “rational beings”, to which these animals have given so much for so little. Not enough to hide behind the idea that there are not many cases in which such outrages are committed, although they are not scarce, and the ends are exceptional.  Would be sufficient if there were a single case of abuse that this one is worthy of the strongest condemnation.

Talked a lot in these days, and has been widely reported by news spanish media, the violent death of an adult at the hands of two dogs of the breeds considered dangerous. Unfortunately, in Spain, so far this year, we've been 10 deaths from this cause, in addition to a number of wounded, some of them with some consideration, increasing, very importantly, the tragic statistics drawn from previous years. To this reality, several things may wonder: ¿How is it possible that an animal, considered man's best friend, and so estimable services has been providing  to humanity, may be, in turn, causes of such tragedies? ¿What is happening and how can it be avoided? The answers to these questions are quite simple and solutions that colud be applied sufficiently clear; different matter is that these are implemented.

Should not be forgotten that, above all, the dog is an animal and, as such, act according to what we have taught. If we consider, as is well known,  that in the teaching of dangerous dogs are used, not a few times, violent methods which increase the aggressive nature of these races, already endowed with morphological characteristics especially designed for attack and defense, the result can not be other than obtaining a semi-wild specimens of unstable behavior and unpredictable reactions, charged with possession of a potentially dangerous level.  The fact that some victims of these animals were its owners, or persons of a family environment where he had raised the dog, amply confirms this theory and oriented towards the steps to follow to minimize risk.

In Spain, since march 2002, there is a Royal Decree that provides a list of potentially dangerous breeds, regulates the management and training of these animals and establishes the legal framework to be observed by their owners. The problem, as almost always happens, is in the low compliance with the standards established by the parties responsible for this and the passivity of the authorities in their demand. The result is confirmed by the facts: nor has reduced the amount of dangerous dogs that are scattered throughout our country, nor have reduced accidents caused by these animals. The sad conclusion is that, despite the decree, and in view of the background, we have not taken any step in safety;  poor balance to an issue that affects so as crucial to the physical  integrity of persons.  The solution, if there is sufficient sensitivity to the problem and the necessary political will to eradicate it, would have to spend at least under the following: Require strict compliance with current regulations, giving greater extent and frequency to inspections in this area; gradually increasing the legal requirements for possession of dangerous animals and the table of penalties for violators (act as a deterrent for those who have these dogs by whim and, in any case, the extreme force care); to prohibit, in the first instance, breeding, in the domestic environment, of the races that clearly offer the greatest level of hazard, extending, progressively, this measure at the following levels (do not miss anything about this because these may be replaced by others that are more manageable and secure, and avoid, in this simple way, many troubles. Is not, therefore, to apply the maxim that "dead dog rabies is over", but to avoid that feature animals closer to the beasts can live with the man in the home). Any measure taken to prevent one more death will be fully justified.

The problem, ultimately, is not in the dog, but sure is in the man. When I see the classic signs hung at the entrances of some particular spaces exhibiting the well-known legend of "beware of the dog", I think, although it may be correct this warning, should be complemented by another that is also indicated "very careful with the owner”, or ¿is it already implicit in the first? Maybe so.

Note: I apologize for possible mistakes in the English version. I an not expert in this language, but I promise to improve. Thank you very much for your understanding.

C. Díaz Fdez.
Oviedo, to november 25, 2010  

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